Mss Avranches, Bibliothèque municipale 236, 237: Music Theory in Mediaeval Normandy, Volume 1: Boethius’ De Institutione Musica


Bibliographic Reference

Santosuosso, Alma, ed. Mss Avranches, Bibliothèque municipale 236, 237: Music Theory in Mediaeval Normandy, Volume 1: Boethius’ De Institutione Musica. Publications of Mediæval Musical Manuscripts 24. Ottawa: IMM, .


Two 10th c. mss once in the possession of the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel. Ms 236, compiled for teaching purposes, contains the complete text of Boethius’ treatise on music and excerpts from Venerable Bede’s treatises on the art of poetry, the reckoning of time and a few quotations from De natura rerum. Ms 237 comprises Boethius’ De institutione musica, a short unpublished text on the modes, and six diagrams of the different species. Edited by Alma Santosuosso.